Then came Obama and the liberals. My America was in jeopardy. My America was being taken over by idiotic career politician morons.
The assault became personal when the USDA wanted to step into every ranchers business by requiring a National Animal Registration. I've kept close contact with my friend in Ireland. They've had it for years because they felt they couldn't refuse the pressure and didn't have the muscle to opt out of it. Now Ireland has a VAT tax and it's crushing their spirit. My Irish friend says sadly "What can we do?" It's a UN thing. Pure and Simple.
Americans who settled this country came over to escape the taxation of England, the snobbery of the aristocracy and to forge a new life on the new frontier.
Now, the tentacles are once again reaching over here to once again impose taxes, tariffs and rules and regulations when they have no right.
Obama, who I believe hates America and all it stands for, and his liberal senators and representatives are pressing forward to wreck the American economy. He is a part of the Tri-lateral Commission along with many or most of the political power machine in Washington to force America into a European Union where we will have no vote over anything. It's a total dictatorial world government that is being hatched under our very noses to control the world. It's Hitler on steroids.
Now, I'm mad. I love America. I'm mad at the politicians who already act as if they don't care about elections. I'm mad because they want to suck every last penny out of us and spread it to themselves.
The ultimate power struggle is on. They believe we are nothing but peons to serve their purpose. They have shown it in their pushing through of the health care system. Complete disregard for what the public thinks. They pushed it through for control and money. It puts money into their friends and cooperates pockets.
There is no such thing of "spreading the wealth" because it simply translates "spread the wealth to my friends". The poor were never a part of this equation. There is no humanitarian mission. They are imposing every tax known to the UN and will be sending our tax dollars to support the UN agenda of taking over the world.
We are seeing the Cap and Tax, the VAT and God knows what else. The EPA has sprouted tentacles even an octopus would envy. The assault doesn't give up. It's relentless since Obama got into office. The taxes will cripple this nation.
Instead of bringing America to it's knees, we need to have an attitude adjustment with the career politicians and power hungry generational trust fund babies.
I have a goal now. As long as I can, I will send protest letters, emails, belong to Tea Parties, participate in demonstrations and protests. We have already fought the animal identification off but we are leery. The cow gas tax was not a laughing matter. If they had every single animal in American tagged, it would just be a small step to tax the ranchers on methane tax. Gimme a break! Back off!
The Tri-lateral Commission secret society members want to limit world populations. They want to return the world to it's former "natural" state. They feel entitled ,powerful and justified in their goals. Memories of Nazi death chambers bring forth visions of how they will accomplish this. Or, will they be more subtle and use forced vaccinations to sterilize civilization.
These are the people we trusted as our leaders. These are the spoiled wealth generations of past fortunes earned through the freedom of America. And, now they want to destroy America.
Where have they gone so wrong? What demonic force has taken over our government?
Institutions like the EPA or the Humane Society or AARP have become too powerful and are pushing their destructive ideas on the very people who support them, who pay for their salaries.
We must pray hard to God and bring him back into our conscious. Pray for America. Pray that this presidency and destructive forces around it will implode in it's evil march toward the destruction of America.
Pray that the good, decent people of America will prevail and win over the hearts of the people who will most be hurt and suffer under the coming years. Take off the blinders and let them see that the Emperor is not wearing clothes, that his brilliant suit is nothing more than his naked self.
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