One way to combat depression for me is to set goals. These can be short range or long range. For some time, I've begun to get active in political Tea Parties. I have a passion to see America return to the way I knew it years back. This current presidency of Barack Obama has unleashed a need to try to lend a hand in correcting what he is destroying through the Democratic majority in congress and in the house and through his Czars. I am only one person but together with others, I think we can turn things around. For years, the ACLU has eroded our religious freedoms or symbols of our Christian faith. Madeleine O'Hara, with her atheists stance, did the initial damage through destroying prayer in schools and school functions. I think that children should be exposed to a Christian religion if they are not exposed to it at home. A simple prayer will not hurt any child. Hopefully, it will give them a foundation for behavior that they have not gotten at home. For those who don't want to participate, they can attend another class. The ACLU is systematically destroying Christian symbols in the government offices. They bring suits and are awarded sums of money that they then turn around and use for more suites. So, we can see a long procession of destroying American ideals and what's been great about America.
Public education has been infiltrated over years by a socialists ideology that threatens American democracy. Students are turning away from America, turning away from the American flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. The terms "greed" and "evil" are symbolizing the American idea of democracy. After World War II, Hollywood showed a positive American soldier coming home from war. They depicted soldiers being greeted and welcomed home.
Since the Viet Nam war, the press and TV commentators were so negative against the war and solders that they were spit on by the public, causing more mental distress on the solders than almost the war itself. After Jane Fonda's obvious anti-war activities caused many soldiers to be tortured and killed, the press has been more cautious in their slanderous approach toward the soldiers and their ire has turned toward the government (mostly Republican). When George Bush was president, there was a daily press release of the soldiers killed in Iraq. With Barrack Obama as president, you NEVER see anything about the soldiers that are still dying in combat. He has not brought anyone back home nor stopped the wars.
So, how do we stop the inequality of the press, the public school system and the Hollywood liberal actors and producers?
There is a public, a citizen who has known for years that what was depicted in the news and newspapers was not what they thought. I had long scratched my head at what the newspapers reported, wondering if I was crazy or that I was the ONLY one who thought as I did. Then, Rush Limbaugh came onto the scene. He was the voice of reason. He was the voice that echoed what I had felt and thought all those years. He was the one who put a voice to it, who found people gathering around the radio in a release of emotions to finally find someone who thought like they did. The audience expanded and gradually you encountered more and more people who thought like you did.
Now, we have a wonderful FOX TV station and 24 hour programming. It's the ONLY station that explains both sides of the issue. The other stations still insist on presenting only their side of a situation. It's never more obvious than the Al Gore man made Global Warming misconception.
When you get to be 74, you have been around long enough to logically know that weather cycles. I have gone through the dust bowl, good rain years and bad rain years. I've gone through droughts and through monsoon years. Weather cycles.
But, our local school system would not present both sides so that the students could judge for themselves. They would only present the Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Most of it has been shown to be a lie. They use the fear tactics and depict poor baby polar bears dying. There was a documentary put out in England to rebut Gore's "documentary". The local school systems would not allow it to be shown. Gore's lies have become a means for taxation and a life style that puts us back into the dark ages. There will be famine and disease because of the lies and the radical groups that cling to it.
For instance, the EPA wanted to put a tax on cattle because they produce a methane gas from their digestion system. A tax on cattle, "to reduce atmospheric methane" would be devastating to the little farmer. The big conglomerate cattle producers have to pay taxes at a much smaller ratio than the independent, local ranchers. If they'd passed their National Animal Identification program, the program would have run every small independent person who just raises cattle or animals for a little extra income to go out of business. Only the big conglomerates would have stayed in business. For instance, they would have had to identify only 1 chicken per hundred. The little farmer would have had to identify every chicken. It would have been the same inequality with a cattle methane tax.
If the big conglomerates take over, there will be a big spike in grocery prices. Because of the global warming spoof, there already has been a big increase on energy such as gasoline and diesel. This sends the prices sky rocketing for groceries and every day needs.
Common sense has to be brought to the fore front. We cannot let the big governments, the international community or the big conglomerates run our lives to the extent that people cannot exist or survive. People must get active in their government. They must run for office. They must run for office to correct the wrongs being done. We cannot let career politicians who no longer care or can identify with those who have made this country great continue to pass laws and legislation that benefit only a privileged few .
There is a movement known as GOOOH that is trying to do this very thing. They want to get people to run for office who will promise to abide by the constitution and to uphold the constitution. If they fail to do this, they have to step down from office. It's easy to become active if you are a GOOOH candidate. Take a look at them and join.
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