Monday, July 26, 2010

Chicken Today Feathers Tomorrow

It's been such a long time since I've posted anything. Lots has happened since then. I've had arthroscopic surgery on my left knee. The surgery was a breeze after much trepidation. I guess everyone thinks they will die during surgery. I did. So, I had to play mind games. One was to imagine myself doing things after the surgery, proceeding with life as usual. So, I was relieved when I woke up in recovery. I was in there with about 20 other recovering day surgery patients in different stages of wakefulness. I heard my anesthetist say that he felt horrible like he was coming down with a strep throat. He said he was called in because they were short handed. That was certainly not reassuring and I quickly took Vit. C when I got home. Eleven days out, I have not come down with anything resembling a serious cold.
Before the surgery, everyone I asked who had the surgery, said they did very well. Now, two people have said it didn't help them at all.
Who to believe?
I am still limping and in pain with the knee. I usually don't need a crutch around the house except in the middle of the night to make a dash for the potty. That's because of a previous stroke in 03, balance is an issue in the dark. So, the crutch helps to balance and give me a sense of equilibrium. I find that I need a crutch when I have to walk longer distances like into SAM'S. One time, I thought I wouldn't make it back to the car. So, since then, I use the crutch and just put it in the basket but I can take the strain off the knee.
Thursday, I got back for a post op visit. I already took the stitches out because they were poking me and digging into the skin. Nothing red or inflamed. All has healed and is progressing. I just don't know when the pain will go away. Will it ever? A continuing saga.
The doctor said he shaved off the jagged edges of the arthritic bone and removed some of the stray cartilage. If this doesn't work, then there will have to be a knee replacement. Ouch! Now, I do know that after the initial shock wears off, this usually does the trick.
Ah, but the agony.
Stay tuned for the doctor's visit.

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